Happy Hollow

I guess we won't be seeing much of the kid on kurttrue.com, since he's moving to Washinton, DC, with his mom and dad next month.

We are going to see him again in Tucson next weekend, so we'll be sure to get some pictures then. Maybe next to a cactus. I can't believe we were in Tucson for a week and never got a picture next to a Saguaro.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from our trip this past May to Happy Hollow, a wonderful little amusement park in Kelley Park in San Jose geared towards the preschooler-to-elementary school crowd.

We used to go there all the time when I was a youngster, and a lot of the same old attractions are still there, most notably, Danny the Dragon, a little radio-beam-guided dragon train, built in 1961, and the maze, a great place to play tag or reënact the seige of Jericho.

Kurt "big daddy" True
3 october 2004