www.kurttrue.com, page 13

Too hot for kurttrue.com?
Wed, 18 Jan 2006: A fan asks "so what has been keeping big daddy so busy he doesn't even have time to update kurttrue.com?"

Well, to answer your question, plenty. I spent this weekend polishing up a science fiction story I wrote.

Sun, 08 Jan 2006: OK, this is pretty much unprecedented in the history of kurttrue.com, but I'm going to take a cue from fellow Web legend Randy "Peter Pan" Constan and issue a TCO Alert!

And, as followers of the International Pixie Skipping Phenomenon are aware, the TCO! stands for "Total Cuteness Overload!"

What's new? Pussycat.
Fri, 06 Jan 2006: The new year is starting off kind of slow here at kurttrue.com, huh?

Well, you can thank Jeffrey for that.

Wipe Out
Fri, 30 Dec 2005: 2005. Hard to believe I only have two more days to get around to those New Year's resolutions.

Well, I changed the windshield wiper blades yesterday. I guess that's one down.

Now with Vitamin C
Wed, 28 Dec 2005: The kurttrue.com 2005 retrospective continues today with outtakes, bloopers, a rare look behind the scenes and a little fresh produce, you know, just for color.

(Comments are turned off while I deal with SPAMmers.)

Back Dorm Boys

double cute


Gremio with shoe

hungry Gremio

sleepy Gremio

wuv wuv wuv

Gremio with toy

cuter than cute
